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Food & Nutrition

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Is My Dog Overweight? | Overweight Dogs
Is My Dog Overweight?
Is your dog overweight? You may be surprised to find out the truth. Close to half of all dogs in the United States are actually overweight yet the majority of their owners don't think so

Healthy Foods for Your Dog | Feeding a Dog Human Food
Healthy Foods for Your Dog
We have received many questions about human foods that are 'okay' for your dog to eat. Contrary to what the Commercial Pet food companies want you to believe many human foods are just fine for

Feeding Your Dog | Dog Food
Feeding Your Dog
Keeping your puppy or adult dog healthy is an important yet complex task. There are many aspects to consider when caring for your dog. Food and nutrition is just one of these areas. Puppies and adult

Changing Your Dog's Food | Dog Food
Changing Your Dog's Food
Healthy nutrition is a very important part of your dog's life. Switching the food your dog is eating is a part of this. Should you need to switch the food you are feeding your dog, it must be done ca

Providing Water for Your Dog | Giving Water to Your Dog
Providing Water for Your Dog
Water is another very important part of a dog's health and nutrition. Much like our own bodies, a dog's body requires ample amounts of water to keep the tissue properly hydrated and aid with digestion

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