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Designer Dog Blogs

Designer Dog Blog for sands904

Blog for sands904

Entries: 21 - 22 of 23

My Bad Day

by sands904 on 3/27/2008 at 7:42 AM in Logan

Yesterday, I had a really bad day. I was very upset about some things at work. I was laying in bed thinking about things and crying and Logan came up and gave me a kiss on the check and laid down beside me with his head on my shoulder. It was so sweet. He is by far the sweetest dog I have ever owned. I am just amazed by how much he really understands about things going on around him and how curious he is to learn new things. He is very in-tune with our moods. He can definitely tell when we are upset or mad and tries to help. To all of you out there who have dogs like Logan you are truely blessed.
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Logan the Scaredy Dog

by sands904 on 1/18/2008 at 1:01 PM in Logan

This morning I had already put the dogs in there pens while I finished getting ready for work. Since Lacey is still recuperating from her surgery she is in a separate pen in the kitchen instead of their room like before. Logan was in their room. All of a sudden I her him crying and jumping like crazy on the fence. I went over to see what was the matter with him and he was soooo scared his nubbie was tucked between his legs (okay not really, but if he had a full length tail it would have been). I bent down to pick him and he jumped into my arms. His nails were out and he was shaking and hugging as close to me as he could. I held him and comforted him and tried to figure what had spooked him so much. I looked around the room for the cause, but couldn't find anything. Then I heard a banging noise that sounded like it was close to the house. I think it must have been a neighbor outside, or the siding because of the extreme cold outside today. I held Logan for another minute and then put him back down so I could finish getting ready for work. When I was ready to leave I opened the back door to leave like normal and usually Logan sits in his bed and watches me leave, but today he tried to follow me out the door crying and whining. I told him he couldn't go with and had to stay there, but he continued to try to follow me out the door. This was very unusual behaviour for him. I looked around when I pulled my car out of the garage and didn't see anything out of order. I am still at work. I hope everything is okay with him at home. I didn't like to leave him acting like that, but I had no choice.

I mention all of this for those of you who don't have dogs or those of you who don't think that dogs are part of your family. My two are like my children and it is sooo cute the way they have little personalities of their own, just like children. They have emotions and can get scared and want to be held by mommie to be comforted just like children. Think about it the next time someone mentions their dog in a context where you would expect them to be talking about a person. Except for the four legs and fur, I think mine are little people.
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