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Designer Dog Blogs

Designer Dog Blogs

Designer Dog Blogs

Entries: 9 - 10 of 14

Update on Lacey

by sands904 on 2/1/2008 at 3:07 PM in Lacey

Well it has been just over 8 weeks since Lacey's surgery. She is trying to become more active which is both good and bad. I am glad that she is trying to run and wrestle with Logan because that shows she is feeling better and wanting to play like herself again, but it is bad because she is still supossed to be resting an recooperating. We still have to keep her on a leash to keep her from taking off running at top speed and jumping on the furniture. It will be so nice when we can just let her loose and she can run and jump and we don't have to worry about it.
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Lacey's Stitches Come Out

by sands904 on 12/16/2007 at 2:45 PM in Lacey

Well, it has been a little over a week since Lacey's operation and she is doing great. She is starting to put a little weight on her leg  when she walks. We have been letting her walk around the house on a leash so that we can restrict her activity, but still let her get some exercise.

Yesterday, we took her into the vet and had her stitches taken out. The vet said her incision was healing nicely and that everything looked good.  That was a relief to hear. Now, that the stitches are out is is just a matter of waiting. We have to take it slow and let her rest and limit her activity for another 10 and a half weeks. She is starting to want to be a little more active, so I am guessing that it is going to get harder to keep her inactive as she starts feeling better. 12 weeks is a long time. It will be the end of February before she is suppossed to be back to her normal activity level.

Oh well, we will do what we have to to ensure a safe and healthy recovery.
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