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Designer Dog Blogs

Designer Dog Blog for aaemehan

Blog for aaemehan

Entries: 1 - 2 of 2

Sick little pup

by aaemehan on 4/20/2009 at 3:26 PM in New Puppy

I have no idea what little Lady ate, but for over an hour now all she has been doing is throwing up. I don't know if she knows to eat grass, so I picked some for her, but she wouldn't take it. My boys ate fruit loops this morning and I know she ate a couple that landed on the floor and then for lunch my fourteen month old fed her a piece of hotdog, but for a little pup to be that sick is SCARY!! I feel so bad and wish that there was something that I could do for her. If she keeps it up then I guess I'll have to take her to the doggy hospital!
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Brought home our new Cockalier puppy!

by aaemehan on 4/17/2009 at 7:40 AM in New Puppy

Yesterday was an exciting day for my husband, son, and I. We drove four hundred miles to get the newest addition to our family. Her name is Lady, She is a cute little puppy, which I'll post a picture of as soon as I get some batteries for my camara. Last night was a rough night for everyone, being little Lady cried all night, it was heart wrenching to listen to and I got up probably three times or more in the night to comfort her. My husband told me that I was going to spoil her, but what are mom's for?? Anyways she has been sleeping in my arms all morning except for when she was chasing my four year old around nipping at his butt, it was hilarious. I think little Lady is going to fit in wth our family perfect!!
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