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Designer Dog Blog for abbylane

Blog for abbylane

Entries: 1 - 2 of 14

Rainbow Bridge Wood Pet Urns

by abbylane on 1/7/2010 at 6:25 PM in Pet Urns for Pet Loss

The Rainbow Bridge Wood Memorial Poem Pet Urns are a popular memorial pet urns because they express the love of a pet. Heaven Pet Urns finds this pet urn the finest tribute to a pet in the form of the famous Rainbow Bridge Poem. A container for pets ashes that is suitable as a dog urn, cat pet urn, small animal urn or any animal urn with the sentiment of the Rainbow Bridge Poem reflecting back on your pet's life and how you will meet again. An internment pet urn that gives your pet the respect he deserves in beauty, sentiment and in keeping pets memories alive.
A very attractive wood memorial poem pet urn and a display pet urn representing the pet that was loved and missed.
The Rainbow Bridge memorial poem cremation pet urn makes a very nice gift to someone for their precious pet's final resting place adding comfort to the grieving pet owner in the sentiment of the poem. A keepsake pet urn that will become a family heirloom and remembrance for years to come.

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Memorial Poem Wood Pet Urn

by abbylane on 1/4/2010 at 7:04 PM in Pet Urns for Pet Loss

Heaven Pet Urns has a favourite wooden memorial poem pet urn that many pet owners love. The Memorial Poem Wood Pet Cremation Urn has a beautiful wood grain, displays four choices of a memorial poem, decorated with paw prints and available in three popular sizes. A customized pet urn when the pets name and dates are added, the correct size for your pet and choice of a memorial poem all keeping your pets memories alive. These unique wood pet urns are versatile for any pet as being suitable as a dog urn, cat urn, small pet urn or any animal urn A beautiful container for pets ashes in an attractive wood and an internment pet urn that any pet owner would love to represent their pet.

The memorial poem adds to the feelings of love and loss touching anyone's heart for their pet. This fills the longing to most pet owners who are suffering from pet loss. A decorative wooden pet urn all that more attractive and special to that person
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