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Breeds Home > Breed List > Bossi-Poo

Bossi-Poo Breed Information


Recognized By: DBR , IDCR
AKA: Bossipoo
Mispellings: Bosapoo, Bosipoo

Living with a Bossi-Poo

Personality: The Bossi-Poo is an excellent, fun loving and agile dog.

Temperament: The Bossi-Poo is an excitable yet docile dog.

Shedding: Bossi-Poos are very low to no shedding dogs.

Grooming: The coat of the Bossi-Poo needs to be clipped occasionally.

Training: The Bossi-Poo is an intelligent dog who needs to be trained due to their high energy level and intelligence.

Behavior: The Bossi-Poo is a loyal and loving dog. They have a tendency to be practical jokers at times.

Barking: The Bossi-Poo typically barks only as a warning.

Weather: The Bossi-Poo prefers to be indoors except when exercised.

Exercise: The Bossi-Poo needs a lot of running and playing time as they are high energy dogs.

Physical Ability: The Bossi-Poo is a very agile dog that can do pretty much anything. They love to swim and hunt for rodents.

Bossi-Poo Appearance

Appearance: The Bossi-Poo has a loose, curley coat with an adorable face.

Size: The average Bossi-Poo weighs between 20 to 25 pounds when fully grown.

Companionship: The Bossi-Poo makes a wonderful companion dog.

Body: The body of the Bossi-Poo has muscular build.

Tail: The tail of the Bossi-Poo is typically docked.

Color: The Bossi-Poo has a tuxedo black and white coat.

Coat: The coat of the Bossi-Poo consists of soft, loose curly human-like hair free from dander.

Bossi-Poo Facts

Characteristics: The Bossi-Poo is a sweet, kind dog that loves to run and jump. They are very intelligent dogs.

* The most accurate way to determine characteristics of a mixed breed is by researching the parent breeds.
** Not all dogs being represented by this name consist of the exact percentages listed above.
*** It is important to do research on your dog's history before choosing a dog. We are dedicated to providing the most accurate information possible about each breed.

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