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Breeds Home > Breed List > Ba-Shar

Ba-Shar Breed Information


Recognized By: DBR , IDCR
Mispellings: Bashar

Caring for a Ba-Shar

Feeding: If the Ba-Shar is kept on a good diet they will not need lots of food.

Living with a Ba-Shar

Family Dog: The Ba-Shar makes a great family dog.

Training: The Ba-Shar can be stubborn and should be trained early.

Behavior: The Ba-Shar loves to show-off and get attention. They tend to be laid back but they will guard their home and owner if needed.

Barking: The Ba-Shar is not a huge barker.

Exercise: The Ba-Shar does not need a ton of exercise but they do like to have a romp occasionally.

Ba-Shar Appearance

Appearance: The Ba-Shar is low to the ground with a long Basset body and large skull.

Size: A Ba-Shar can weigh between 30 to 60 pounds when fully grown.

Companionship: The Ba-Shar loves to cuddle.

Eyes: The Ba-Shar has brown eyes.

Ears: The Ba-Shar has long, floppy ears.

Forequarters: The Ba-Shar has short legs.

Gait: The Ba-Shar may appear as if they have 'wiggly hips' when they walk like a Basset.

Tail: The tail of the Ba-Shar is long and curved with a curl at the end.

Ba-Shar Facts

Life Expectancy: The average life expectancy of the Ba-Shar is 8 to 10 years.

Characteristics: The Ba-Shar has a high chase instinct and love to chase toys and wild animals.

* The most accurate way to determine characteristics of a mixed breed is by researching the parent breeds.
** Not all dogs being represented by this name consist of the exact percentages listed above.
*** It is important to do research on your dog's history before choosing a dog. We are dedicated to providing the most accurate information possible about each breed.

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