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Breeds Home > Breed List > Bully Jack

Bully Jack Breed Information

Bully Jack

Recognized By: DBR , IDCR

Living with a Bully Jack

Temperament: The Bully Jack is a very sweet tempered dog who enjoys people and other dogs.

Family Dog: The Bully Jack makes a great family dog but are not recommended for very small children.

Shedding: The Bully Jack is an average shedder.

Grooming: The Bully Jack requires very little grooming. They can be wipped down with a towel when needed.

Training: The Bully Jack can be easily trained using treats otherwise they want nothing to do with it.

Behavior: The Bully Jack is a very charming and demanding dog.

Barking: The Bully Jack has the high pitch yelp of the Jack Russell Terrier.

Weather: The Bully Jack enjoys the sun, snow and anything under 75 degrees.

Bully Jack Appearance

Appearance: The Bully Jack is all white and has pink skin with black freckles. The ears are folded over like that of the Jack Russel.

Size: A fully grown Bully Jack stands about 15 inches tall at the shoulders.

Companionship: The Bully Jack makes a great companion dog.

Neck: The Bully Jack has a very wide neck.

Body: The Bully Jack has a very muscular and sturdy build.

Forequarters: The Bully Jack has very chisled legs and a broad chest.

Hindquarters: The hindquarters of the Bully Jack are short and chisled with great balance and lift.

Tail: The tail of the Bully Jack is almost always wagging and carried high.

Color: The coat of the Bully Jack is white in color.

Coat: The coat of the Bully Jack can resemble that of the Jack Russel with no undercoat.

Bully Jack Health

Allergies: The Bully Jack has no known allergies at this time.

Ear Health: The Bully Jack typically has good ear health. They may inherit the tendency for hearing loss from the white Bull Terrier.

* The most accurate way to determine characteristics of a mixed breed is by researching the parent breeds.
** Not all dogs being represented by this name consist of the exact percentages listed above.
*** It is important to do research on your dog's history before choosing a dog. We are dedicated to providing the most accurate information possible about each breed.

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