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Shepkita Breed Information


Recognized By: DBR , IDCR
AKA: Akita Shepherd
Mispellings: Akita Shepard, Sheptkitd

Caring for a Shepkita

Feeding: The Shepkita should be fed a high quality food to avoid digestive problems.

Living with a Shepkita

Personality: The Shepkita is friendly, good with children, but excellent protector of family.

Temperament: The Shepkita is even-tempered and adaptable.

Family Dog: The Akita Shepherd is an excellent family dog and is tolerant of even very young children.

Shedding: The Shepkita sheds a lot if not brushed regularly.

Grooming: The Akita Shepherd doesn't need frequent bathing, once or twice a year is sufficient. They should be well-brushed daily with a slicker brush or shedding rake to remove loose hair and reduce shedding. They should not be shaved in summer months as their outer coat insulates them from sun and heat as well as from cold.

Training: The Akita Shepherd needs training from the moment he is brought into the home. They respond best to postive reinforcement training. Although less stubborn than the Akita dog, the Akita Shepherd still needs training from day one. The owner must earn the trust and respect of this dog through positive reinforcement training.

Behavior: The Akita Shepherd is friendlier than the "sometimes diffident" purebred Akita, less aggressive, and easier to train. They are a good family dog, and not as much a "one person" dog as the purebred Akita. They are sweet, friendly, loyal and intelligent dogs.

Barking: The Shepkita has a deep Akita bark and will bark to warn of a stranger on their territory but they don't bark excessively.

Weather: The Akita Shepherd can handle nearly any climate. In extreme heat (95+ degrees F) the dog should be indoors and should always have shade and sufficient water. The Akita Shepherd does well in cold weather and snow, and the outer coat repels most rain.

Exercise: The Shepkita is a large dog that requires regular exercise. They enjoy having an enclosed yard, but can live in apartments if they get one or two long walks daily. They interact well with other dogs if they are in neutral territory like a dog park.

Physical Ability: the Akita Shepherd can run at high speed, jump, bound, and tackle in play. They can learn agility courses and enjoy the challenge. They love to run.

Living Conditions: The Akita Shepherd needs a fairly large space, but can be quite happy in an apartment with proper outdoor exercise. The Akita Shepherd shouldn't be left outside at night; to keep it a family dog, it should be inside with the family which it sees as its "pack."

Shepkita Appearance

Appearance: The Shepkita typically resembles a smaller Akita with a variety of coat colors including the standard German Shepherd colors.

Size: A fully grown Shepkita can weigh between 60 to 100 pounds.

Companionship: The Akita Shepherd is an excellent companion dog for a single person or a family. They love their family and need to be part of the "family pack." They are also excellent protection dogs and are very trainable.

Head: The head of the Shepkita is larger than the German Shepherd Dog's but slightly smaller than the Akita's. They have a broad face with a snout that is shorter than that of the German Shepherd, but with the distinctive "stop" of the Akita where it meets the skull. Ears are slightly to the side and erect.

Nose: The Shepkita has a large black nose.

Eyes: The eyes of the Shepkita are brown and slightly almond shaped.

Ears: The ears of the Shepkita are large, erect, pointed and slightly smaller than standard German Shepherd Dog ears.

Muzzle: The muzzle of the Shepkita is shorter than the German Shepherd Dog's but narrower than the Akita's.

Teeth/Bite: The Shepkita has strong teeth and firm bite but can learn to have a soft mouth when playing or leading people. They are not prone to overbite or underbite. The teeth should be cleaned regularly.

Neck: The neck of the Shepkita is similar to both the German Shepherd and the Akita.

Body: The Shepkita is a large-boned dog with a thick & strong body similar to the build of the purebred Akita but smaller.

Forequarters: The forequarters of the Shepkita are sturdy. The chest is broader than the German Shepherd Dog, but not quite as broad as the Akita. The bones in general are big and strong.

Hindquarters: The hindquarters of the Shepkita are sturdy.

Feet: The Shepkita has very large feet.

Tail: The Shepkita has the curled spitz tail of the Akita dog.

Color: The coat of the Shepkita can come in a variety of colors with many having the standard German Shepherd Dog coloring.

Shepkita Facts

Life Expectancy: The average life expectancy of the Shepkita is 12 to 16 years.

Shepkita Health

Allergies: The Shepkita may suffer from an allergy to corn.

Health: The Shepkita is a fairly health dog but they do have a good potential for hip dysplasia.

Eye Health: The Akita Shepherd may have a dry eye problem caused by eyelids that don't completely close when they sleep. This comes from both the Akita and German Shepherd dogs, and can be surgically corrected if necessary.

Ear Health: The ears of the Shepkita need to be cleaned regularly or fungal infections can arise.

Dental Health: The Shepkita generally has very good dental health as they inherit the strong hard teeth from both the Akita and German Shepherd Dog.

Bone Health: Depending on the parents, the Akita Shepherd may be prone to hip dysplasia. It is the responsibility of the breeder not to breed a dog with hip dysplasia.

Litter Size: The average litter size is 4 to 8 pups.

Shepkita History

History: Akitas were brought to the US and Europe from Japan following WWII. Because of their size and alleged aggression, they were frequently bred with the German Shepherd dog to make a slightly smaller and more friendly breed. The American Akita is different from the Japanese Akita due to the Japanese breeding for the original Japanese "Akita Matagis" look. The Akita Shepherd is much more common in the US than in any other country.

* The most accurate way to determine characteristics of a mixed breed is by researching the parent breeds.
** Not all dogs being represented by this name consist of the exact percentages listed above.
*** It is important to do research on your dog's history before choosing a dog. We are dedicated to providing the most accurate information possible about each breed.

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