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Silky Tzu Testimonials
Silky Tzu Testimonials
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I bought a STzu when she was 2 month and i nearly more got a shock did i buy a right dog. She came in my life as the most timid and scared dog ever. she was basicly a scooby doo alright. As time pass by, she learned so quicky and have captured our heart so deeply. She is very inteligent and it was so easy to train her. She also need minimum exercise. Stzu are very obidient and discipline if train properly( i didnt even send profesional training).They are alse good to children but not so much with stranger. S tzu needs proper care for their furr, ears and eye. It is very sensetive. They also need to be feed with most suitable dog food.Basicly my lathika is the warrior princess and my best nurse ever.
Posted: 3/23/2011 5:03:52 PM by Anonymous More Silky Tzu Testimonials | Silky Tzu Breed Information | Silky Tzu Photos | Silky Tzu Videos | Silky Tzu Bios | Silky Tzu Discussions Our Silky Tzu
I bought a Shih Tzu X Silky Terrier when he was a 3 month old puppy. He was very shy and timid at first. However, he is now a one year old and has become quite dominant at home. He has the 'squashed nose' and coat of a shih tzu but the colour of his hair is that of the Silky Terrier. He is the most loyal dog in the world. He is great with children. However, been a Silky terrier cross he can be quite agressive towards strangers and other dogs. He loves cats and seems to be more interested in those than other dogs. He has a great sense of humour and is very intelligent. He is a house dog and therefore, has bonded really well with everyone in the house. He can be stubborn, moody and an attention seeker. He loves to play alot. Whenever I'm sick he seems to sense this and guards me while I sleep. I have found Shih Tzu x Silky's would be perfect for a couple or a small family that can accomodate their need for attention. Their coat however, is VERY high maintenance. It does require brushing, especially when it gets quite long and they like to dig and play in the yard. Alot of prickles and sticks get caught in the fur. Shih Tzu's are prone to respiratory problems and I have found my dog has a very sensitive stomach. Best to never feed this dog 'human' meals or leftovers, only dog or cat food. They can form bad habits if not disciplined straight away and this can be hard to break. Overall, a very beautiful, loving, loyal, intelligent companion. He is a very affectionate, funny dog that doesnt require alot of exercise. Simply running around the backyard is enough to keep him healthy.
Posted: 10/11/2009 10:22:17 AM by Anonymous More Silky Tzu Testimonials | Silky Tzu Breed Information | Silky Tzu Photos | Silky Tzu Videos | Silky Tzu Bios | Silky Tzu Discussions Theo
My dog is a Shih Tzu x Silky Terrier. He is the typical alpha male. Very small and very cute (which he uses to his advantage!). He is very intelligent and will watch you perform tasks and then will repeat them at a later date. He is protective of food and toys and is constantly finding treasures to hide in his basket. He is a loyal companion and often pick up if you are feeling upset or sick. He will wait in his bed until he hears someone get up in the morning and then believes that is his cue to keep them company. He is a passive dog, rarely barks and has no desire to "escape" the backyard. He is pleasant to cats and dogs, however, often forgets his little stature. His coat requires alot of maintenance. He thrives on attention but has the most lovely nature. He uses his good looks to get away with mischief, but he picks up commands and tricks quickly.
Posted: 2/27/2009 7:40:30 AM by Anonymous More Silky Tzu Testimonials | Silky Tzu Breed Information | Silky Tzu Photos | Silky Tzu Videos | Silky Tzu Bios | Silky Tzu Discussions |
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