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Discussions > Health > Health Concerns > Panty liners

Panty liners

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my dog Edward ate a pantyliner tonight!!!!! the whole thing. tried to get it from him and he growled and just swallowed it. We're so worried now that it will cause a problem. Has anyone else had this happen??

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just a follow up to Edward....he vomited the liner today. I was starting to get worried. He seems to eat everything lately. We always see him chomping away. Guess i should really start the "drop it" command and, hopefully, he'll listen...
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Hey Linda, Glad to hear he is doing okay after eating that. Yuck! Crazy dogs will try to eat anything. Working on 'Drop It' is a good thing especially for a dog that like to eat everything. 'Leave It' may also be a good one for him to master, that way you could stop him before he even picks it up. If he has something you don't want him to have try grabbing a treat or toy to get him to drop that and take what you have. Good Luck!
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but isn't giving him a treat rewarding him? he gets himself in a frenzy trying to swallow whatever it is he has. I've looked in all my old messages to you, and, can't find your name anywhere! I hate to not acknowledge you by name!! Please tell me again!! How are Lacey and Logan? Doing better w/the barking?
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Rewarding a dog really depends on the timing. If you gave him a treat the second he picked it up then he would probably associate the reward with picking it up. Showing him the treat to make him drop the item it not rewarding him for having the item. He has to release the item to take the treat so he should associate the treat with the giving up of the item. Lacey and Logan are doing better with the barking when people walk by the window. They are still barking some but if I say 'Quiet' they stop and come to me for a treat. I am now trying to only give them a treat if they look out the window at someone and do not bark at all. It is taking some time but I think they are catching on. They are both somewhat afraid of other dogs and strangers so I am working on that as well which I believe is helping the barking too. Best of Luck, Stephanie
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ok, that makes sense to treat after he drops it...i will try that. getting desperate. I don't want him to turn vicious on us. Glad to hear Lacey and Logan are doing better w/the barking. It's a tough job raising these guys to be good citizens!! but, so worth it! Thanks, Stephanie!!!

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