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 Location:Saddle Brook, NJ (United States)

Designer Dogs

Name:EdwardView My Bio
Breed:ChipooView My Gallery
Age:16 years 17 days
Name:Kipper FloydView My Bio
Breed:CockapooView My Gallery
Age:25 years 4 months 28 days

Recent Discussion Posts

Hi I'm New!

Hi Holly.. welcome to you and Thor! We have a 9 mo. old Chipoo, Edward...He's a great little dog (for the most part) and, we love him to pieces... good luck!! linda

Hi I'm New! | New Members

Posted: 11/2/2009 4:21:55 PM

Panty liners

ok, that makes sense to treat after he drops it...i will try that. getting desperate. I don't want him to turn vicious on us. Glad to hear Lacey and Logan are doing better w/the barking. It's a tough job raising these guys to be good citizens!! but, so worth it! Thanks, Stephanie!!!

Panty liners | Health Concerns

Posted: 10/28/2009 12:46:15 PM

Hello I am a new member with a Shih Poo

sorry, I meant Ginger in my previous reply. I must have been thinking about Sophie, too! (Edwards girlfriend!) Hope she's doing well...look forward to hearing more about her

Hello I am a new member with a Shih Poo | New Members

Posted: 9/11/2009 6:19:38 PM

Owner Testimonials

New Chipoo

My daughter just brought home a Chipoo puppy. I would love to hear from other owners of Chipoos. We also have a 9 year old Cockapoo. So far, not too much conflict. Hoping they become friends.

Posted: 4/23/2009 12:36:49 PM by Linda78
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