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 Location:Rancho Santa Margari, CA (United States)

Designer Dogs

Name:Ariella RoseView My Bio
Breed:LhasaneseView My Gallery
Age:18 years 25 days

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Ella, The Cat Sitter

We have a small 9.2 lb Lhasanese, Ella. Ella's one and only friend, Tootsie, came to live with us, along with her parents (my wonderful in-laws).. the first night in our new place, Tootsie the cat, started to claw the cloth dining-room chairs - and we all hollered "Scat cat", so she would stop... Ella picked up on this, and now Tootsie puts one little nail in the chair, Ella is over there barking at her, or pushing her if she is on the ground.

They are still friends, and enjoy chasing each other back and forth, and around and around the house!

I've never seen anything like it before. It is hilarious to watch these two!

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Posted: 8/7/2009 2:33:45 PM

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