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 Location:burlington, NJ (United States)

Designer Dogs

Name:shyaView My Bio
Breed:PomimoView My Gallery
Age:15 years 5 months 24 days

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Shya's Birthday

Today is the 8/24/2010 Shya's first Birthday and it was a great time first she had doggie cake and blew out the candles well she tried we helped and the she went to the pet store and got new toys and she did pick them out she had a really nice time and so did we just a note to our puppy you are a joy in our lives you have so much love you will never know you always bring us joy when we have a bad day you cheer us up we love you so very much thank you for being you with all our love

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Posted: 8/24/2010 6:24:05 PM

Shya the princess puppy chapter 1 page 1

The other day we took our precious baby Shya to the riverfront. She ran almost 3 miles on the riverfront she ran from the bristol bridge to the nursing home and then all the way back. It was the fist time that she was out on a walk of that severity of time and length. We were out walking for almost 2 1/2 hours and she injoyed every minute of it. As soon as we got home she ran and lapped up a full bowl of water then went and plopped down on her fuzzy tempu-pedic doggie bed and took a good long nap. She woke up and i cooked her, her favorite meal, Filet-Mignon. After dinner i gave her a bath in her favorite special doggy bath that has cute little paw prints on it and her name inscribed, with her ultra whitening shampoo. She almost fell asleep right in the tub. After blow drying her for atleast an hour, at which time she fell asleep again(poor girl must have been tired), we then used hers and our favorite body spray JoVan musk for woman, because after all a dog should not smell like a dog but a PRINCESS.

Read more blogs by joshua07_2000 | Read more blogs in My Life

Posted: 4/30/2010 10:24:46 PM

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Posted: 5/1/2010 11:48:50 AM

Owner Testimonials


Shya is our 1 year old pomimo 1/2 pom 1/2 min American Eskimo and she is a joy in our lives. she is kinda high strung but in a playful way she loves to play in the yard and chase the cats. We have a good time with her any one who wants to get one should have alot of room to run and and be willing to groom,groom and more groom have fun they are great.

Posted: 5/17/2010 10:38:53 AM by joshua07_2000
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