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Designer Dog Blogs

Designer Dog Blog for BobbieAn23

Blog for BobbieAn23

Entries: 1 - 2 of 4

Closure from her excape...

by BobbieAn23 on 4/11/2011 at 1:49 AM in Unexpected dangers

After her escape the day before Halloween and the whole trauma from having to go to the dog pound and get her back, and all the fees, then court.  I'm so happy the whole dog at large charge got dropped even though it cost me $500.00 in attorney fees.  I'm glad the whole ordeal is over with and everything is fine including our precious baby.
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Escape artist #2

by BobbieAn23 on 3/16/2011 at 5:03 AM in A Day in the life of Fraggle

So some time back in January after I got all the other issues straightened out with the county about the double billing, I get a subpoena in the mail from the county stating that I intentionally allowed my dog off leash off my premises which is in violation of the county codes, I was being chugged with a Criminal Misdemeanor for, "DOG AT LARGE!" I was shocked and horrified after all the trouble I had already been through! I already paid my fines and had to drive 60 miles to go get her from the nearest city animal shelter, what next? So I hired an attorney it cost me $500.00 for the attorney, and he has been working with the prosecutor they discussed my case and deemed it an accidental thing and my attorney related that if I could provide picture of a good fence around my property then they would drop the charge altogether. I got my attorney pictures of my old fence I hope if suffices because march 23rd I don't want any more fines or bills.
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