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 Location:Nuevo, CA (United States)

Designer Dogs

Name:BRODYView My Bio
Breed:Great DanebullView My Gallery
Age:12 years 7 months 30 days

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Well, Brody my 9 month old Great-danebull had her back dew claw and three toes removed when he was approximately 3 months old due to an unknown accident I was told when we adopted him from 'Rescue and Home'. Brody does not use that back leg hardly. Does this mean she lost muscle and nerves movement due to this? I'm trying to learn more about his condition and how best help him. I take him for short walks. I'm going to get him a harness to better help him move around and better control him during his walks. Does anyone out there have any other advice for me? I would appreciate it. Thank you.

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Posted: 7/24/2012 3:54:26 PM

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